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Number of results: 28
, currently showing 1 to 20.
Fishing - Lake Vinstre
Øystre Slidre
Fish species: Trout Land owner: Øystre Slidre Fjellstyre,
Fishing from boat is recommended. The lake has some…
Fishing - Nevlingen
Lake Nevlingen is located in the wilderness region of Vassfaret. It is popular with local fishermen for its stock of trout and the sought-after…
Fishing - Sebu-Røssjøen
Lake Sebu-Røssjøen is renowned as a good fishing lake throughout the whole year. There's a shelter and a fireplace on the eastern lakeshore. The…
Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole - Boat rental and fishing guide at the Lake Øyangen
Øystre Slidre
We have five boats for rental in the Lake Øyangen. Two 12 foot alufish with room for three people, here we have one with motor and one without motor.…
Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole - Ice fishing at Lake Øyangen
Øystre Slidre
Our knowledgeable fishing guides are here to give you a great introduction to Ice Fishing. They will teach you the skills you need to catch a fish in…
Fishing - Buaråne
Vestre Slidre
Fish species: trout and perch
Buaråne is a river of approx. 1 km in length between the lakes Mosvatnet and Storfjorden. It runs quitely and…
Fishing - Lake Aurdalsfjorden/Dokkafjorden
Fish species: trout, perch, common whitefish The fishing license for the Aurdalsfjorden/Dokkafjorden lakes is valid from the mouth of the Skamåni…
Fishing - Lake Busuvatnet
Fish species: Trout and arctic char
Busuvatnet is known as one of the best char fishing waters in Valdres. Fishing with rod is the only…
Fishing - Lake Fullsenn
Fish species: trout Fishing in Lake Fullsenn is probably best by boat, however there are some good locations from the shore as well, such as the…
Fishing - Lake Gravolstjednet
Øystre Slidre
Fish species: trout Gravolstjednet is well-known for having good quality trout. The water is easy to walk around, especially on the east side and…
Fishing - Lake Heggefjorden
Øystre Slidre
Fish species: trout
Heggefjorden is accessible for fishing with rod from land, and we recommend the west side of the fjord. There are some…
Fishing - Lake Lomtjedne
Fish species: Trout and perch Lomtjern is a small but easily accessible high mountain water, near Aurdal Fjellpark and Danebu. Family friendly…
Fishing - Lake Ølsjøen
Fish species: Trout, perch, Common whitefish The river Tisleia ends up in Ølsjøen. Fishing in Ølsjøen is probably best by boat, but is also possible…
Fishing - Lake Øyangen
Øystre Slidre
Fish species: trout Fishing in Øyangen is best by boat. Rod fishing only, recommended with worm and wobbler (Rapala). The west side of Øyangen is…
Fishing - Lake Rensenn
Vestre Slidre
Fish species: trout and perch
The Rensenn lake is quite shallow, especially along the northern shore. There is good fishing around the whole…
Fishing - Lake Slidrefjorden
Vestre Slidre
Fish spesies: trout, perch Slidrefjorden is a well known water for fishing and good quality fish. There are many suitable locations for fishing from…
Fishing - Lake Steinsetfjorden
Fish species: trout, perch
Fishing licences for rod and trolling/otterboard is available, and the use of boat is allowed for both licences. The…
Fishing - Lake Storfjorden
Vestre Slidre
Fish species: trout and perch
Fishing at Lake Storfjorden is best from a boat (motors with max. 10 hp are allowed). Despite its size, the…
Fishing - Lake Strandefjorden
Fish species: Trout, Perch, Common whitefish Whitefish and perch dominate in Strandefjorden, but there is also some trout. We recommend fishing from…
Fishing - Lake Tyin
The mountain trout in Tyin is well known for its size and quality, which makes Tyin a popular lake for fishing. It is very accessible from land, with…
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