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Off-piste, Kiting and Ski touring

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Number of results: 6

  1. Ski ascend of Rasletinden.

    Ski tour to Rasletinden

    Øystre Slidre

    The mountain ridge with the summits of Rasletinden (2105 m.a.s.l.) and Kalvehøgde (2208 m.a.s.l.) is one of the most popular mountain ski tours in…

  2. Nice and far view from Skaget.

    Ski tour to Skaget

    Øystre Slidre

    Skaget is a very popular mountain ski tour among back country skiers due to its long and relatively flat access but is also suitable for randonnee…

  3. Ski tour to Hensfjellet in Vang in Valdres.

    Ski tour to Hensfjellet


    Hensfjellet is a nice randonnée trip in the western part of Valdres. The tour offers challenges for both experienced skiers and beginners. The tour…

  4. Group of 9 persons on their way up a mountain on randonee skis. Snow covered mountains in the background.

    Ski tour to Fagerdalshøe and Synshorn

    Øystre Slidre

    The summits of Synshorn and Fagerdalshøe are great touringski and randonnée destinations. They are easily accessible from the eastern end of Bygdin.…

  5. Ski tour to Bitihorn

    Ski tour to Bitihorn

    Øystre Slidre

    The mountain top Bitihorn (1607 m.a.s.l.) is a landmark, an exceptional viewpoint and a popular hiking and skiing destination. 

    As a winter…

  6. Person on the way upwards with randonee skis, great view over the snow covered mountain landscape.

    Ski tour to Stølsnøse


    Stølsnøse is a short and easy but snow safe ski tour in the Tyin area which sports fantastic views towards Jotunheimen in the north with the pointed…

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