RETURA Val-Hall AS was founded in 2004 with the purpose of offering environmentally friendly waste solutions to the business community in all municipalities in Valdres and Hallingdal. The company was established as a joint-venture under Valdres Kommunale Renovasjon IKS and Hallingdal Renovation IKS, with each company having 50% ownership. We have offices in Valdres Næringshage at Fagernes, and in Hallingdal at Torpomoen, Torpo. As of today we have 6 employees divided into 5.2 FTEs.
Through interaction with customers, suppliers and partners, we aim to maximize the service to our customers and create the best overall solutions. Businesses need comprehensive, efficient and environmentally friendly waste solutions. Our strength lies in strong local anchoring and detailed knowledge, as well as dedicated and knowledgeable employees and a central management from Retura Norway.
Our vision is that the treatment of industrial waste in Valdres and Hallingdal should remain local. We want to help create jobs by using local carriers and other local services. We are a proud environmental lighthouse company, meaning that we have environmental responsibility through clear goals and defined activities. In 2017 we also became ISO 14001 certified.
We offer:
• Collection of all types of waste
• Rental of wheeled containers, containers, compactors and presses
• Transport
• Counselling, reporting, statistics, documentation, approved waste management and safety cessation, as well as the declaration of hazardous waste
• Consultancy and advice for companies wishing to be approved environmental lighthouse companies